Cable Girls Vfx Breakdown

Cable Girls Vfx Breakdown

Cable Girls is a Spanish period drama web television series produced by Netflix. It stars Ana Fernández, Nadia de Santiago, Blanca Suárez and Maggie Civantos. The first season of sixteen episodes was released in two batches of eight episodes each; the first eight episodes premiered on Netflix worldwide on April 28, 2017. The second aired on December 25, 2017 and a third season was ordered for a 2018 release.

In 1920s Spain, Alba and Gimena are dreaming of starting new lives in Argentina who steal from high-class parties to finance their new lives. One night, an altercation with Gimena's lover, Pedro, leads to her being shot and Pedro being shot with his own gun after fighting with Alba. She is accused of double murder by the police, but a corrupt cop offers to let her go if she robs a safe at the Madrid telephone exchange. To do so, she pulls off a con job using the name Lidia and flirts with a manager to get a job there, where she runs into Francisco, now the company director and son-in-law of the owner. A flashback to 10 years earlier shows Alba and Francisco as young teens on a freight train excitedly going to Madrid. Once there, they are separated when Alba's suitcase is stolen and she chases after the thief. She takes what she thinks is her suitcase from another man and is taken away by the police. Other new employees at the exchange include small-town girl Marga, who misses her grandmother in the village, and the savvy upper-class Carlota, whose father refuses to allow her to work. Working mother Ángeles takes pride in herself as the most experienced and knowledegable telephone operator, but her husband doesn't want her to work anymore.