Heart Of A Lio Making
Heart of a Lio: Animated short film on Lionel Messi by Gizmo Animation
Gizmo Created new Heart of a Lio: The Amazing Animated short film
Agency: Tbwa Chiat Day La
Director: Ema, Flamboyant Paradise, Nico Presas
"When Leo Messi has a dream to chase, nothing can stop him. Here’s Heart of a Lio, the amazing animated short film by Gatorade"
Heart of a Lio: Animated short film on Lionel Messi by Gizmo Animation
Gizmo Created new Heart of a Lio: The Amazing Animated short film
Agency: Tbwa Chiat Day La
Director: Ema, Flamboyant Paradise, Nico Presas
"When Leo Messi has a dream to chase, nothing can stop him. Here’s Heart of a Lio, the amazing animated short film by Gatorade"
Heart Of A Lio Movie