Krypton VFX Breakdown
Krypton is an American television series developed by David S. Goyer for Syfy. The series takes place on the eponymous fictional planet, approximately 200 years before the birth of Kal-El / Superman and eventual destruction of the planet, focusing on his grandfather, Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe). Krypton premiered on March 21, 2018. Its first season consists of ten episodes. In May 2018, Syfy renewed Krypton for a second season, which is expected to premiere in 2019.
Important Looking Pirates released VFX Breakdown for TV Series Krypton ‘New Superman Prequel Series’. Along with ILP Embassy, Rodeo FX, Double Negative & Ghost VFX worked on Visual Effects for this Series.
Rodeo FX is lead vendor for the show. They created the effects for the pilot, which helped the show get the green light, and were then tagged for the full first season. One of the biggest challenges for Rodeo while working on a cascade of 2-3 weeks between episodes is building CG plans with extremely brief turnaround times.
Krypton is set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe, The Halcyon) — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos.
The pilot episode is now available online:
Years before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel's home planet, Superman's grandfather, Seg-El, fights to redeem his family's honor after the House of El is ostracized and shamed over Seg's grandfather's false claims of a world-killer coming to Krypton. When an attack on the government is attempted, Seg seizes an opportunity to advance himself and his family by allying with those who sentenced his grandfather to execution and destroyed his family's name but when evidence that his grandfather's claims were true is discovered, Seg must work within the system that discarded the House of El in order to protect their future legacy.
Krypton is an American television series developed by David S. Goyer for Syfy. The series takes place on the eponymous fictional planet, approximately 200 years before the birth of Kal-El / Superman and eventual destruction of the planet, focusing on his grandfather, Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe). Krypton premiered on March 21, 2018. Its first season consists of ten episodes. In May 2018, Syfy renewed Krypton for a second season, which is expected to premiere in 2019.
Rodeo FX is lead vendor for the show. They created the effects for the pilot, which helped the show get the green light, and were then tagged for the full first season. One of the biggest challenges for Rodeo while working on a cascade of 2-3 weeks between episodes is building CG plans with extremely brief turnaround times.
Krypton is set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather (Cameron Cuffe, The Halcyon) — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed — as he fights to redeem his family’s honor and save his beloved world from chaos.
The pilot episode is now available online:
Years before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel's home planet, Superman's grandfather, Seg-El, fights to redeem his family's honor after the House of El is ostracized and shamed over Seg's grandfather's false claims of a world-killer coming to Krypton. When an attack on the government is attempted, Seg seizes an opportunity to advance himself and his family by allying with those who sentenced his grandfather to execution and destroyed his family's name but when evidence that his grandfather's claims were true is discovered, Seg must work within the system that discarded the House of El in order to protect their future legacy.